Some Frequently Asked Questions

What does the name Kala Darpan mean?

"Kala" pronounced as a combination of highlighted sounds - "cu"p and ga"la" - means "Art".

"Darpan" pronounced as a combination of "the", "ru"n, o"pen" means "Mirror" - together signifying our motto of

being a mirror that reflects fine arts in its purest form!

Is there a membership?

We experimented with a few membership models in the past 5 years.

Due to uncertain number and nature of events, we decided to not have a paid annual membership.

We encourage patrons to make sustaining donations and contribute to events of their taste preferences.

Please visit the Support page to find out more.

Why another fine arts organization ?

Kala Darpan co-founders felt a need and envisioned a platform to -

Have a question? Write to us!